Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Seeds are Here!

Hello Gardeners!
Happy Days! I have stocked all the seed library drawers with hundreds of seed packets. In fact, over 800 new packets pf seeds are waiting for lucky gardeners to check them out. Here's a short summary of what the seed library offers:
Tomatoes - 43 varieties
Beans - 12 varieties
Peas 8 varieties
Lettuce - 11 varieties
Native plants - over 25 varieties
plus many, many annual and perennial flowers and other vegetables and herbs.
So now is the time to check out the seed library.

A big thank you to all who donated seeds and helped package these 800+ packets! Also, when you are planning your gardens, please add space for a few extra plants that you  harvest for the seeds. This year we were fortunate that Territorial Seed Company donated 141 packages of vegetable seeds and Guerney's gave us a $25 gift certificate which we used for 6 packages of pea and sweet pepper seeds. These packages were further divided into the packets we offer at the seed library. But it is unlikely we will get similar donations next year so we need local seed donations as well. Plant an extra tomato or lettuce plant or a half row of peas or beans for the seed library. Remember--we only want seeds from open-pollinated/heirloom variety of plants.
I spent this week updating the seed catalog with the new varieties of seeds and stocking seeds. I reorganized the seed catalog a bit. All the easy to save vegetable seeds (tomatoes, peas, beans, lettuce and sweet peppers) are grouped first in the catalog and then follows the difficult to save seeds in alphabetical order. I hope this will make it easier for you to find what you are looking for.

Also, all the difficult to save seeds are in the bottom 2 drawers of the seed library. We decided not to repackage the new commercial packages of seeds and just placed them directly in the drawers. If you only want some of the seeds in the package there are empty envelopes in the box of the table you can use to hold the seeds. The seed library wants to stress saving the 'easy to save' seeds and so we decided not to use our limited resources repackaging the' difficult to save' seeds.
Upcoming Events:
I hope to see you at one of the 2 seed starting classes I'm teaching in March:
Saturday, March 3, 2018 10:30-11:30 Seed starting class at the Maplewood library
Saturday, March 3, 2018 1-2pm Seed starting class at the White Bear Lake library
Happy Garden Planning!

Here's a photo, compliments of Michelle Bruhn, from our last seed packaging event on Jan 29th.


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