Saturday, February 25, 2017

New Seeds in Drawers and next Seed Packaging

There are new seeds in the drawers. Lots and lots of limited quantities of tomatoes, beans, peppers and even edamame! Check it out. The limited varieties are in very small plastic bags. The catalog has been updated with most of the new varieties, but I am still working on getting information for a few types of seeds.

I want to urge you to try something new this year. There is no longer a 4 packet limit so feel free to try something new. Even if you don't have experience saving seeds, but want to try one of the 'difficult to save' varieties please do! You don't need to save seeds from the difficult plants, just grow them and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can save seeds from one of the 'easy to save' seed varieties or purchase a commercial open-pollinated variety to bring back to the seed library.

Upcoming events:
March 14, Tuesday, 4-7:30 pm seed packaging
May 2, Tuesday, 6:30-7:30 pm Seed Starting  and seed library info class at White Bear Lake library
May 17, Wednesday, 7:00-8:00 pm Seed starting and seed library info class at Roseville library

Think Plants

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