Saturday, January 19, 2019

Seeds Need a Good Home!

A want to give a BIG, BIG Thank You to all the volunteers who helped package seeds on Wednesday! It was a record turnout of at least 16 people! Wow!

We packaged up almost 500 packets of seeds and guess where they are now? That's right--the seed drawers in at the Seed Library. :)
Tomatoes (over 50 varieties), beans, peas, lettuce, annuals, herbs, native plants and other vegetable seeds are waiting for good homes.

I still have some lettuce, pepper and annual seeds left to package. I'm not sure there is enough for another seed packaging date, but I'll let you know soon.

Also coming up is the next Seed Talk on Tuesday, Feb  12, 2019 at 6:30pm at the White Bear Lake library. The topics of discussion are container gardening and when to start seeds indoors. I'll remind you closer to the date, but mark your calendar now. Seed Talks are a way for all of us to share our knowledge and ideas with other community gardeners, so please feel free to attend whether you are an experienced or a novice gardener or somewhere in between.

Just note that during the winter months it may be necessary to cancel a meeting due to weather. I will contact the library if that is the case, but if travel seems questionable, please call the library before you attend.

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